Marcus Ehning on Cornado NRW Copyright: ph.Stefano Grasso/LGCT
Happy retirement to the one-eyed wonder, 18 year old grey stallion Cornado NRW.
Cornado has been ridden by Marcus Ehning for over 10 years at the highest level of sport and placed in the top 3 in multiple Longines Global Champions Tour Grand Prix with him in Paris, Valkenswaard and New York while also being a key part of Valkenswaard United's success in the GCL team series.
They first rode on the tour together back in 2012 and in 2019 finished fourth place in the LGCT Super Grand Prix at the Prague Playoffs after a sensational two rounds for the pair.
Speaking about his special horse Ehning said: "Cornado is one of my favourite horses, he is an incredibly talented horse and every day has a big motivation. A few years ago he lost one eye, which makes it more difficult for him but he is like a person and never gives up. He has amazing talent and I am very proud to have a horse like this in my life because it is not many horses who have this quality in their jump, rideability, scope and everything in one package."
We will Cornado a happy and well-deserved retirement at Ehning's family stables in Borken.
Marcus Ehning on Cornado NRW Copyright: ph.Stefano Grasso/LGCT
My vision is clear. Only the best for the best.