25 May 2023

GCTV - The Update Is Here!

GCTV - The Update Is Here!

ACTION REQUIRED: Re-register your GCTV account

We have been working on a new, secure sign-on platform that will allow for a smoother experience for managing your account and offer additional features such as In-App payments. No need to worry, your current subscription will not be affected!

However, in order to transition your account to our new secure platform, we need you to follow the following steps: 

  1. Click the following link to our new sign-up page: SIGN UP PAGE 
  2. Enter your information, using the same email address that you use to subscribe to GCTV
  3. Click ‘Sign Up’ 
  4. Check your email account, as we’ll be sending you an email with a unique verification link
  5. Please click on the link in your email, this will take you back to the website 

Thank you - you have successfully re-registered with GCTV and have now access to your subscription package both on the website and in-app

If you usually view GCTV content in the App, please follow the below links to download our new Apps and login with your new details. 

My vision is clear. Only the best for the best.
Jan Tops - Founder & President